Mission Statment
Blue background with clovers the words Mission Statment written on it
The Pinto Family sitting together. A woman A man and a 
          young girl with a bear siggitng on a bench

Young girl and man standing with balloons 
            reading Happy Birthday

About Our Organazation

On July 16th, 2016, our son Rylan Michael Pinto was still born at 36 weeks of pregancy. After his passing, our family decided we wanted to use his name as a platform to give back to our community in his honor.

Our goal is to provide support to those in need. Therefore we founded Remembering Rylan Inc. Our non-profit is a mobile food bank in CT which provides food assistance to families suffering from food insecurity.

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be
always at your back.
May the sun shine
warm upon your face.
May the rains fall
soft upon your feilds.
And until we meet again
may the god hold you in the
palm of his hand. Amen